Mega night at Boultham Mere, for around ten minutes at 7.00pm i found an ALPINE SWIFT, it gave good but distant views feeding with around 350-400 Common Swifts,just two people saw it, it was seen again briefly nearly an hour later but a Hobby came in and scattered what was left of the Swifts.
Three of the four birds we found this morning at Frampton.
Also at Frampton this morning Spoonbill,3 Little Stint, 1 Curlew Sandpiper,6 Greenshank,1 Spotted Redshank,1 Common Sandpiper, 2 Wood Sandpipers and plenty of other Waders to keep us amused.
Gib Point
Just after getting this picture i put up a Lark twice it had a white trailing edge and dark underwing, Calandra sprang to mind, viewing was difficult and it flew north of us into the dunes right of Mill Hill never to be seen again.
Rosper Road Pools Immingham Lincolnshire. May 2011
A much better looking bird than the one in 2009, stunning views for over an hour hawking insects, very difficult to get any sort of sharp focus on it at the speed it goes.