Boultham Mere
We had an hour at the pit this morning and scored with this brief Common Buzzard then a few minutes later a Peregrine, a few Ducks and a water rail were the only other highlights.
Nocton Fen though distant all the time we had fairly good views, hunting near Swans then flew round the back Neville wood then onto Potterhamworth fen. Dec 2007
Nocton Fen Lincolnshire
Our first White Fronts on Nocton, upto 4 in area at begining of week but only 3 this morning with a Pink Foot and a hundred or so Greylags, they flew onto Bardney ponds eventually, also in area, Male, female Stonechats, Buzzard and a Barn Owl.
Gibraltar Point Lincolnshire
This stunning little bird has been present for the last two days,aged as a 1st Winter male, due to clear cut black bib, 4 red wax like appendages on secondaries and tips of primaries edged yellow with the two longest edged white and no white on inner webs.Broad yellow tail band.